Tuesday, April 24, 2012

it's not cheating... it's planning...

We started our registry not long after we got engaged. We started cause it was a cold day, we had nothing else to do, and we thought it was going to be the most fun thing ever... Who doesn't want to go around stores, with a gun, and scan everything you want?

Strangely enough, it turned out to be miserable.

Don't get me wrong, at first it was a lot of fun. For about the first hour. We felt exhausted, and completely unprepared for the task. Who knew there were so many toasters to choose from?

Now we are 101 days from the wedding, and we are pretty much done (well pretty much... knives are hard!) and we are just a few weeks from the first shower. I logged onto one of our registries to check to see if we had registered for something, and I realized that eleven gifts were suddenly marked "fulfilled".

They may have just created a monster.

I suddenly started logging onto all our registries. I started reading off to Toby what we had "gotten". About half way through he tells me, "Isn't this cheating? You know what we are getting now. There is no surprise".

It's not like we don't have a list of everything we want online... I think that pretty much killed the element of surprise from the beginning.

I told him it was not cheating, it was part of planning, and I like to be well prepared.

I don't think he bought it.

Is it cheating? If you have had a wedding, did you look at your registry and scope out what you were getting? Is it kind of cheating and wrong to ask for particular items to begin with?

No matter the answer, I promise to act surprised. Now if you will excuse me, I have registries to check...

Monday, April 23, 2012

hold my hair

In every relationship, there are ways to tell you where you are at in that relationship. How do you feel about this person, what is the long term outlook, etc.

Typically, those things are centered around the most terrible parts of you and your humanity. The more you can be disgusting around that person without judgement, or barely even acknowledgement, the more committed you are. 

Poor Toby got to hold my hair last night... again.  

A few months ago I got food poisoning. While I had given up looking perfect around Toby all the time long ago, I hadn't quite been prepared for him to see me in all my food poisoning glory. He came in and asked if I was ok... I am pretty sure I didn't say anything, but he got the message. I then told him "Hold my hair". 

My fiance is a paramedic who deals with the most disgusting of stuff, so I am sure my little show was nothing, but I was so embarrassed just the same.  

Strangely, he didn't want to kiss me for a while... 

Last night we went to Disneyland, and I fared the rides alright, but the car... oh the evil car... 

Within about 10 minutes of leaving, I started feeling it. I am notorious for getting car sick. Ever since I was little, the car has been a torture device in my mind. Generally, I am never anything more than nauseous, so when he asked if I needed to pull over, I told him no. 

A little while later, he looked at me and said he thought we should pull over, and I quickly agreed and he pulled off onto a little road to a view point. 

Pulling over at a viewpoint, I yelled at him to stop the car. He then pointed out that we were still in the road. Something tells me that if we would have been in his car and not mine, he would have stopped in the middle of the freeway, but I digress. 

With an audience of people, overlooking a beautiful part of the ocean, I jumped out of the car and proceeded to "get rid of the nausea". Toby stood back in shock. Somehow, I think this was more surprising and shocking to him than the food poisoning, and I again said, "Hold my hair". 

When we got into the car, he offered me his left over horchata to drink from that morning... its the thought that counts, and apparently he thought I needed to clean out a little more... 

I looked at him in the car and told him that I was nothing but trouble. A few weeks ago, I jumped on his back and split my lip wide open. The night we became "official", we were being flirty and running through Cuvier Park in La Jolla and I slipped and fell flat on my butt and messed up my tailbone and couldn't sit right for three months. 

I am nothing but trouble... 

Toby however looked over at me and told me I was nothing but a blessing. 

He still wouldn't kiss me though... 

Friday, April 20, 2012

For over twenty-eight years, I have been a Good. In 106 days, that will all change... This is my journal of the journey to leaving the single life behind, planning a big wedding, and learning how to be a Mrs.

The misunderstandings, the bridal meltdowns, the burned meals. The whole shebang... well not all of it...hey, I gotta leave a little something to the imagination.

Chances are, its going to get a little messy...