Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pilling it on...

We have been married two months tomorrow. That went by fast! Between two jobs, getting a home together, never ending thank you cards, two dogs, cooking and cleaning, and a husband who is getting ready for MCATs... Time has been a highly valued commodity and I have sorely missed writing.

Unless it is writing thank you notes, I can go a lifetime without writing another one of those... and in case you didn't know, I am thankful, oh so very thankful...

There are a lot of things I have learned about myself and my husband since we got married. I will go to bed with wet hair, and that drives Toby nuts. I also am not the best at hanging my towel up right away. Toby snores like a freight train. I wake up and poke at him till he rolls to his side. His hockey gear is not allowed in the apartment unless it is going to be immediately put in the wash machine. IMMEDIATELY.

...and the piles of stuff he leaves around... don't get me started...

Too late.

He has these little piles everywhere. DRIVES ME CRAZY. His sister used to complain about the same thing when they lived together. She advised that I needed a dumping ground just for his stuff. His mother calls them "Toby Piles". He says that it is better than having it spread out... I contend that it is not better than putting it away... crickets...

Yes, living with each other is not always easy... and no, having a roommate does not really prepare you for it. Marriage is a big adjustment in every way you can imagine. But honestly, I barely remember what it was like to be single... and what I do remember, makes me thankful for my sweet husband and his piles...

Okay, I could still do without the piles...